29 April 2024
HE Dr. Al-Sunaidy Chairman of OPAZ visits South Korea

HE. Dr Ali bin Masoud Al Sunaidy, Chairman of the General Authority for Special Economic Zones and Free Zones (OPAZ), and the accompanying delegation met in Seoul, South Korea with HE. Jeong In-kyo, Trade Minister and Chairman of the Korean side in the Omani-Korean Committee and a number of officials of the Ministry in the presence of Zakariya Alsaadi, Oman's ambassador to the Republic of Korea.
During the meeting, they discussed how to leverage Korean technologies to manage smart industrial cities and how to enhance the two countries' cooperation, specifically in the manufacturing, logistics, and storage sectors.
The program for the Omani delegation includes meeting with a number of Korean companies that specialize in wind and solar energy production industries, automotive industry, equipment, and spare parts, as well as reviewing the incentives and facilities provided by the Sultanate of Oman through economic zones, free zones, industrial cities, and investment opportunities in the chemical, medical, and pharmaceutical industries, in addition to visiting the Incheon Free Zone.